Pregnant 4
Contact .
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You saw the video, bought their softdrink or saw them rocking Madison Square Garden? You want to make your party a big party?
. You can do that now! .
buZzman offers you the unique opportunity to book these ravishing guys right here! You might ask , how can I afford that?!
Well, no one knows but....
Hey buddy,give yourself a chance! The Pregs might be cool, but they know how good a cold beer can taste and they definetly want to meet your finest chicks! So stop dreaming and look for your daddies cash!
And please don't mind, if lines are busy. Please call later, but do call!
Call 0049 - 2563- 7913 .
Wolfgang Rölver - Sprangerstr. 7 - 48703 Stadtlohn
or mail Inspector Clay:
. MB 2000 .