All posts in Art

Franz Burkhardt: 2 Zeichnungen “Tische und Stühle/Nature” (2017)

„You will always fail. The essence of art is in failure. Not that it sounds great, (…) if art does not fail, then it is just perfect craft.“ Franz Burkhardt […]

Jonathan Callan - A Base on the Moon (2011) Paper in Acrylic Box

Jonathan Callan – A Base on the Moon (2011)

Jonathan Callan – A Base on the Moon (2011),58x80x5cm, Paper in Acrylic Box. Added to the Collection in 2015. Some words by Jonathan on the motive: “The image is of […]

Why collect? Galila Barzilai-Hollander

Why collect contemporary art and how? What to collect? And what is the use of it in the end for everyone? Galila Barzilai-Hollander provides all her answers – open, honest, […]

Alexander Gorlizki: We are Union (2012)

Alexander Gorlizki: We are Union (2012)

Alexander Gorlizki: We are Union (2012), 30x25cm, Pigment and Gold on Paper. Part of the Collection since 2014. “There’s a common assumption that the “miniature” in Indian miniature paintings refers […]

Alexander Gorlizki: Guard your Belongings (2012)

Alexander Gorlizki: Guard Your Belongings (2012), Pigment and Gold on Paper, 26,8×20,9 cm. Added to the collection in 2012. Since I started uploading photos of the works of the collection […]

Rosemarie Trockel: o.T. (Nietzsche/Kant) 1992

Trockel, Rosemarie: Ohne Titel (Nietzsche/Kant). 1992. Heliogravure auf Velin. 56,5 x 38,5cm (79 x 60cm). Signiert, datiert und nummeriert. Ex. 15/60. In der Sammlung seit 17. Dezember 2018. Trockel wurde […]

Trump in a Lifetime

Once in a Lifetime by Talking Heads, video edited by The Swedemason.

Artist talk with Alexander Gorlizki

Learn about the fascinating art of Alexander Gorlizki: Alexander Gorlizki: Variable Dimensions will defy you with juxtapositions of elements garnered by his roving eye from world cultures, with particular fondness […]

Alexander Gorlizki: Masterful (2013), AG/P, 28 x 18,5 cm, Pigment und Gold auf Papier

Alexander Gorlizki: Masterful (2013)

Alexander Gorlizki: Masterful (2013), AG/P, 28 x 18,5 cm, Pigment und Gold auf Papier, added to the collection in 2014. Portray of Alex from Martin Kudleks website: “Alexander Gorlizki’s immersion […]

Alessandro Michele: Gucci F/W 2018

Yesterday I had not heard the name Michele, today I have to say that this is innovative, exceptional and inspiring fashion. Tom Ford, his predecessor, celebrated symmetry that in the […]