All posts in Art

Szabolcs Veres: Three Leged Woman (2016)

Szabolcs Veres: Three Leged Woman (2016)

Szabolcs Veres, Three Leged Woman (2016), 150 x 95 cm, Oil on Canvas, Part of the Collection since 2016. This oil painting may once be considered as a key work […]

Christos Venetis: 5 works from Anaemic Archives (2017)

Christos Venetis, Anaemic Archives (o.T. CV/P 136 “Pills”), Pencil on Book Cover, 21 x 31,5 cm, 2017 Christos Venetis, Anaemic Archives (o.T. CV/P 147 “Betty”), Pencil on Book Cover, 21 […]

Alexander Gorlizki, "Wither We?", Sculpture, Solid Brass, 2013

Alexander Gorlizki: Wither We? (2013)

Alexander Gorlizki: “Wither We?”, 2013, Sculpture made off Solid Brass (Messing), 25,4 x 33 x 25 cm. Added to the collection in 2017. Alex has started to explore arts in […]

Jonathan Callan – Dark Matter (2016)

A brain in a square – “ein Elektronengehirn” (electronic brain)? The work of Jonathan Callan on “Dark Matter” started more or less after a visit of my family to Jonathans […]

Philip Loersch: Medaille (I), 2015

Philip Loersch: Medaille (I), 2015

Philipp Loersch: Medaille (I), 2015. 2 Blätter 21×30 cm Papier, Bleistift und Farbstift gerahmt mit Passepartout. In der Sammlung seit November 2017. “f 2061: Leibniz bricht die fehlerhafte Rechnung ab” […]

Zoltán Jókay: Beirut (2007)

Zoltán Jókay, Beirut, Lebanon (4 Arbeiten). C-Print. Je 50 x 40cm. Aus einer Auflage von 8. Zur Sammlung hinzugefügt 2015. Provenienz: Sammlung Helge Achenbach, Düsseldorf; zuvor Galerie Sabine Knust, München. […]

Marius Bercea, 1986, Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, 2016

Marius Bercea: 1986 (2015) and Untitled (2016)

Both works added in 2016 to the collection. “Marius Bercea (b.1979) was born and grew up in Cluj, Romania, where he still resides. Following from the 1989 Romanian Revolution, Bercea […]

Károly Keserü: Untitled 1604074 (2016)

Károly Keserü: Untitled 1604074 (2016)

Károly Keserü , Untitled (1604074), Acrylic & thread on linen, 100 x 90 cm, 2016. Added to the Collection as the 2nd Keserü in 2017. The first piece acquired was […]

Szabolcs Veres: Phallic Mother (2011)

Szabolcs Veres – Phallic Woman (2011), Oil on canvas Szabolcs Veres, Phallic Mother, 2009-2011, Oil on Canvas, 180 x 150 cm. Added to the collection in 2013. Veres Szabolcs bedient […]

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Salvator Mundi, painted circa 1500. Oil on walnut panel. Panel dimensions: 25 13/16 x 17 15/16 in (65.5 x 45.1 cm)

450.312.500,00 $ oder: Das Kamel im Nadelöhr

Ausgerechnet Jesus Christus. Der Heiler der kranken Seelen, der Messias und “beinahe” Kommunist aus Galiläa, ausgerechnet sein Porträt als Symbol für die ungleiche Verteilung von Vermögen auf der Welt. Ein […]