All posts in Politics


Troika: Consists of representatives from IMF, European Comission and ECB. 2 Germans, 1 Danish Top-Bureaucrat. Unpopular in Greece, but they are the three who politics from whole Europe have tasked […]

Syriah or: Does Westphalian sovereignty since 1648 apply?

International relations theorists have identified several key principles of the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, which explain the Peace’s significance and its impact on the world today: The principle of […]

Kölner Dom

In den 1960er-Jahren stellte der Kölner Dom seine beiden nördlichen Seitenschiffe auch islamischen Gottesdiensten türkischer Arbeitsmigranten zur Verfügung. So breiteten beispielsweise zum Ende des Ramadan 1965 um die 400 Muslime ihre Gebetsteppiche […]


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