Károly Keserü – bitter

Proudly I would like to present another artist recently added to my modest collection: Károly Keserü. To start the collection of this contemporary minimalist I have aquired the above work […]

Squirrel, 2008, Ink on 18th century print, 27,5 x 20,3 cm (10,8 x 8 inches)

Ruth Marten: Squirrel (2008)

Ruth Marten: Squirrel, 2008, Ink on 18th century print, 27,5 x 20,3 cm (10,8 x 8 inches) Added to the Collection in 2013. Included in the catalogue Ruth Marten: “The […]



One of the rare example in our days of political poetry is Eminems rap on Donald Trump. Powerful piece of art, shown in this video: The Lyrics “It’s the calm […]


Die Wahl ist zu Ende und das Ergebnis ist unschön. 13% AfD. Im Osten teils die absolute Mehrheit. Gruselig für manche Hochburgen der Grünen. Nun distanziert sich alle Welt in […]

1984: the rise of political correctness

Epic 2014

“It is the best of times. It is the worst of times.” Remember this small clip “Epic 2014”? It was made in 2004 and sounded so dramatic and apocalyptic to […]

Mark Twain

On Monday stock market plunged 5% – what was the cause, what was the effect?

Hotel Ioshima Japan

Disruption vs. Iteration

Das intellektuelle Konzept der Disruption betont die Neuartigkeit und Innovation großer Veränderungen. Ohne auf die Natur der Innovation oder die Veränderung als solche einzugehen, ist das Wort als solches in […]

Ruth Marten Brave Birds (2011), Watercolor and Gouache on 18th Century Print, 33,6 x 20,7 cm

Ruth Marten: Brave Birds (2011)

Ruth Marten: Brave Birds, Watercolor and gouache on 18th century print, 33,6 x 20,7 cm (13,2 x 8,1 inches). Added to the Collection in 2013. Included in the catalogue Ruth […]
