Alexander Gorlizki: Queen Maria Luisa with Snakes (2013)

Alexander Gorlizki: Queen Maria Luisa with Snakes (2013), Pigment und Gold auf Buchdruck, 27,5 x 17,5 cm

Strukturreform: Nicht sparen, auch kündigen!

Der Ökonom Paul Krugman fordert erneut ein Ende der Sparpolitik in Griechenland. Das wird hier gerne damit missverstanden, dass die Erhöhung von Sozialausgaben der beste Weg ist, aus der Krise […]


Troika: Consists of representatives from IMF, European Comission and ECB. 2 Germans, 1 Danish Top-Bureaucrat. Unpopular in Greece, but they are the three who politics from whole Europe have tasked […]

Thoughts on Greece & World Economy

The Greeks have opposed their old cleptocratic Elite and favoured a leftwing populist party. That communism will find its way back into life is an illusion. This vote seems actually […]

Alexander Gorlizki: Robert Mapplethorpe and Giraffe (2014)

Not to start with too much vanity, I do collect Alexanders work since 2009 and really find joy in them ever since. This piece is no exception: Robert Mapplethorpe and […]

buzZas Kochstudio No. 48

This proud gallic cock was so incredible, I had to pick the packaging out the bin again to read the race and origin. It is a “Poulet Fermier des Landes”, […]

Kampf ums Glück am Pitz Palü

Markus Bussmann: Kampf um Glück (Fight for happyness), 2014, paper

Heidis Cart

She seems quite proud on her cart, carrying precious belongings…

Jonathan Callan: Polyethylene in Science (2014)

Jonathan Callan (2014): Polyethylene in Science, Books, 30x24cm, my collection By the way: Jonathan is part of New Yorks MoMa Collection with this work

buzZas Kochstudio No. 47: Simple Things

Gnocchi Noodles from DeCecco, Parmigiano, Tomato Sauce with fennel seeds, salmon.