Lilies on the desk
…and I cannot think of anything else but them….
Warum Apple keine Religion ist
Steht hier. Schöner Artikel.
Airbus – a european foolery
Nowadays we read again about a another big livethreatening crisis within Airbus Industries, the famous plane maker formed by a european conglomerate. And of course this public outcry is a […]
Apple Keyboard
It is beautiful like a ZEN poem and it works fantastic and efficient The wireless keyboard of Apple is the best keyboard device I have worked with so far. Takes […]
Alive 2007 – Daft Punk
Incredible, maybe the best Electro concert seen on this planet so far and now their have produced their second live Album after “Alive 1997“, the fantastic live album “Alive 2007“. […]
Die Türen gehen auf
“Und Alltag sieht so aus: Plattenfirma, Band, kleines Büro, Patchwork-Familie, Praktikum und das nächste Projekt kommt bestimmt. “Eigene Lebensmodelle, Kreuz- und Querfinanzierung”, beschreibt das Maurice Summen. Nur dass der Lebensentwurf […]
When the Spanish King educates his Indio
While Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero asks for respect of his office and teaches a lesson on democratic dialogue, King Juan Carlos does not allow Hugo Chavez to insult him further […]