Thinker and Poet, retired – politics lost its greatest philosophic aphorist in 2006

Hell, I had wished to write this article some weeks earlier when Donald H. Rumsfeld actually resigned for the 2nd time as Secretary of Defense. Certainly not because I’m part […]

Time Magazin: buZzman! is Person of the Year 2006

Since 1927 Time Magazin is announcing the Person of the Year. This year I’m very proud to announce that I was elected for 2006. For my efforts to create rich […]

Adapt or Die – about the culture of innovation

Scary. While corporations are dramatically rethinking the way they innovate, the US Forces adapt to this new mindset and facilitate their way of a culture of innovation. They even use […]

"Im Klartext: Weil ich Bock auf die Alte hat. Alles klar?!" Zum Tod von Cheflude Stefan Hentschel

Was für eine Kiez-Karriere! Stefan Hentschel – Er war leidenschaftlicher Boxer. Er überlebte Auftragskiller “Mucki” Pinzner, wurde viermal abgestochen, zweimal angeschossen, schaßte den üblen “Luden-Schorsch”, liebte Reni, war für 27 […]

Can you put Humpty Dumpty back together again?

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.All the king’s horses and the king’s menCouldn’t put Humpty together again.” What is a Humpty Dumptism? Humpty Dumptyism (sometimes […]

Puzzled about the Afro-Cosmic-Maestro DJ

My friends and I had the pleasure to dance to the sounds of DJ Beppe Loda – the master of Afro Cosmic Disco and former resident DJ of the Typhoon […]

Is Pinocchio the forerunner of Robo Sapiens?

An artificial creature, made out of wood, that turned into a living boy – this man made creature is known as Pinocchio by Italian author Carlo Collodi. The piece was […]

Ist Denken allein schon strategisch?

Jeder, der die Bedeutsamkeit seines Tuns für sich und seine Umwelt reklamiert, spricht gerne davon, daß er eine Strategie hat oder strategisch denkt. Weitaus weniger bedeutsam scheint diesen Personen vielleicht […]

Stalking is a crime – not in the net

Browsing for entertainment I read about Stalker ( ) – a website where you can track down celebrities in NYC. As funny as this is at first, I thought […]

"Tschatoobriäng" mit der mächtigsten Frau der Welt

Wie ich Angela Merkel traf und es nicht bemerkte: How I met with Angela Merkel and almost did not realize it – german speaking readers only