All posts tagged Financial Crisis
Jonathan Callan: Jobber (2006)
Jonathan Callan: Jobber (2006), 18,5 x 23,5 cm, Paper. Part of the collection since 2016.
Jonathan Callan: Rothschild (2006)
Jonathan Callan: Rothschild (2006). 18,5×23,5cm, Paper, Part of the Collection since 2016. Please note reflections on this photo are due to the glas on the frame, they are not part […]
Margin Call
A scene from Margin Call starring Kevin Spacey and Jeremy Irons. Desperation. Smart Allecks. Desire. How it works from the inside.
Hank Paulsson
Hank Paulson, ehemaliger Chef von Goldman Sachs und eine harte “Sau”, war Finanzminister, als dass globale Finanzsystem kollabierte. Er fürchtete um das Überleben der globalen Finanzwirtschaft, bei der Rettung der […]
Live without work and why it does not work out
While I was in New York, not long time after the two towers had collapsed, my host explained me her financial model and how she financed her life. She was […]
A Cascade
High unemployment rates, especially among the youngest in the work force, have led to riots in Latvia, Lithunia, Greece and Bulgaria and contributed to major protests in Britain and France. […]