All posts tagged Sculpture

Jonathan Callan: A Flower in May 1944 (2020)

A new piece was added to the buzZman! Collection: Jonathan Callan A Flower in May 1944 43 x 33 x 6 cm 2020 Jonathan Callan has used a historic accounting […]

Jonathan Callan: “The Borders of Reasons and Instinct” (2020)

New in the Collection is a very fragile piece by Johnathan Callan: Jonathan Callan “The Borders of reason and instinct” paper and needles 22 x 15 x 7cm 2020 John […]

Jonathan Callan: South East Asia and China in Images of the Rust Belt (2017)

Republished vom 09/2018 after the Trump Assassination Attempt of Butler, Pennsylvania and J.D. Vance (Hillbilly Elegy) being named as Candidate for Vice President. Jonathan Callans sculptures are (to the most […]

Jonathan Callan: Deposition (2019)

Jonathan Callan: Deposition (2019), scratched chromatic photograph, 33,5 x 26,3 cm Overwhelming pain and sorrow. This is what one can see looking into the face of Maria mother of god. […]

Philip Loersch: Searching Mary (2018)

„Searching Mary“, 2018, Bleistift, Tusche, Acryl, Lack auf Speckstein 45 x 23 x 12,5 cm, Signatur eingeritzt, in der Sammlung seit 2019 „Searching Mary“, 2018, Bleistift, Tusche, Acryl, Lack auf […]

Vera Lossau: Untitled “Buch Heine” (2019)

Vera Lossau: Untitled (Buch Heine), Polyurethan, Lack, 16,5 x 11,5 x 5 cm (2019) 2 Kugeln sind durch Heinrich Heine geschossen. 2 Kugeln durch sein Buch, sie dringen mit Gewalt […]

Sofie Muller: Alabasterkopf LXVII (2018)

Sofie Muller: Alabasterkopf LXVII (2018), Alabaster, Baustahl. Aus der Serie “Alabaster Mentalis”, in der Sammlung seit 2018. Die “Alabaster Mentalis” Serie von Sofie Muller (*1974) bewegt tief. Die Skulpturen von […]

D.D. Trans: Ende (2018)

D.D. Trans: Ende (2018), 1 of 3, mixed media, 8x8x6 cm, in der Sammlung seit 2019. Fotografiert in einem Elektronikgeschäft. Eine transparente Box, darin: eine Taste. “Ende” steht da drauf. […]

Art with Veins of Aggression bound with Anathesia, Paper, 118 x 70 cm

Jonathan Callan – Art with Veins of Aggression….(2014)

Jonathan Callan, Art with Veins of Aggression bound with Anathesia, 2014, Books & Glue on Wood, 118 x 70 cm. Part of the Collection since 2015. This collection piece I […]

Alexander Gorlizki, "Wither We?", Sculpture, Solid Brass, 2013

Alexander Gorlizki: Wither We? (2013)

Alexander Gorlizki: “Wither We?”, 2013, Sculpture made off Solid Brass (Messing), 25,4 x 33 x 25 cm. Added to the collection in 2017. Alex has started to explore arts in […]