Sumitomo’s Business Philosophy
- To achieve prosperity and realize dreams through sound business activities
- To place prime importance on integrity and sound management with utmost respect for the individual
- To foster a corporate culture full of vitality and conducive to innovation
- To act with honesty and sincerity on the basis of Sumitomo’s business philosophy and in keeping with the Management Principles
- To comply with laws and regulations while maintaining the highest ethical standards
- To set high value on transparency and openness
- To attach great importance to protecting the global environment
- To contribute to society as a good corporate citizen
- To achieve teamwork and integrated corporate strength through active communication
- To set clear objectives and achieve them with enthusiasm
The origin of the Management Principles lies in Sumitomo’s business philosophy, which has been inherited and adhered to by the Sumitomo Group for the more than 400 years since its foundation.
In essence, it tells us that “We should place prime importance on integrity and sound business activities, and should never be moved from joy to sorrow by daily market fluctuations. But, when faced with a paradigm shift, we must take the lead in striving for structural innovation. In this way we can and should create meaningful values not only for ourselves but for society as well.”
It implies a universal value valid enough even now, but more than 400 years have passed. There are some expressions too profound for the officers and employees of today, and other articles requiring some complementing for a company doing business on a global basis like us. So, Sumitomo Corporation has translated it into plain language and reorganized it in a clear structure in the Management Principles formulated in 1998.